Winger Concert At The Venue – Vancouver, BC


I finally got around to uploading my videos to YouTube! I’m pretty pleased with the quality of them since I shot them with my Samsung Galaxy S2. Not to mention the concert was held in a medium sized club and the sound was almost too loud for the location.

It’s great to see Winger touring again. Kip was here about a year ago doing some unplugged performances but there is nothing like seeing the old band in all of their glory. Reb Beach was flawless on lead guitar as usual. It’s really a treat to watch a guy who’s played for Dokken, Whitesnake and Alice Cooper.

I was only able to take 7 videos since my phone battery was starting to get low. Luckily I got a majority of their old songs. About 30% of their act consisted of their newer material however I won’t lie, I was really just there to hear the oldies!


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