Snap-on VERUS Edge Automotive Diagnostic Tool

Snap-on VERUS Edge

As the JT Hotshotting fleet grows, so does our maintenance. An equitable solution has proven to be shifting our maintenance to our 100% in-house program. This made sense as it obviously costs less (even with new tool investments such as this) and we have complete control over the quality of workmanship performed on our equipment.

When it comes to high-end scan and diagnostic tools there is a lot to choose from. I’ve had experience with some of the brands out there and after quite a bit of research settled on the new 4th generation Snap-on VERUS Edge powered by Windows 7 and WIFI connectivity. I won’t get into the technical specifications of the unit as it features similar hardware to most other mainstream tablets but rather I will focus on what it can do in this article.



Professional Snap-on VERUS Edge Features

Snap-on has really outdone themselves on this and it’s more than just a diagnostic tool. The VERUS Edge will store and manage thousands of vehicles in its database and also provides exclusive expert resources such as SureTrack, Troubleshooter and Fast-Track Guided Component Tests.

  1. SureTrack – This is the automotive industry’s most comprehensive source of expert knowledge containing millions of successful completed repair orders from technician verified real fixes outlining parts replacement records.
  2. Troubleshooter – Covers everything from trouble code tips, symptom tips and time saving advice.
  3. Fast-Track Guided Component Tests – This excellent features shows you how and where to test components and what results you should be getting in order to verify failed parts before replacing them.

Those features alone are worth the price of this device however it doesn’t stop there. The all new keyless and Bluetooth scanner module allows you to plug it into the vehicle and be anywhere in your shop with your VERUS Edge. Gone are the days of having to be right beside the vehicle with specific “keys” to plug in for each make and model.

Snap-on VERUS Edge Scanner Module


Unparalleled Scoping

The new high speeed 4-channel scope module/graphing meter is hot dockable which provides you with lightening speed sample rates and glitch capture.

Snap-on VERUS Edge Scope Module M4


Fully Loaded Coverage

Functionally this next generation diagnostic tool offers OEM specific coverage for over 40 vehicle makes and features bi-directional support for the same. It also gives you full access to codes, live data, functional tests, OEM Technical Service Bulletins and parameter relearns and adaptations.

Snap-on VERUS Edge Scope Ports


Graphing Paradise

The Snap-on VERUS Edge live data function really shines through in that it can display up to 16 graphs simultaneously. You can then compare your live data graphs by overlaying a “mechanically correct” graph to help closer pinpoint where your problems are.

Snap-on VERUS Edge Live Data Graphs


We’ve Got Another Winner!

All in all, the Snap-on VERUS Edge is an extremely well rounded unit. I’ve already been able to utilize it for injector trim code programming on one of our Dodge Ram 5500’s and to diagnose a transmission issue on a Dodge Ram 3500. After owning it for just one week, it’s already apparent that it’s capable of paying for itself.


  1. This scan tool is very nice until you want to use it with the j2534 tool . The operating system is a very basic Windows 7 . It’s not recommend by Snapon to use this with the j2534 . Look at the specs of the Windows 7 that they use , very cheap version of it . The j2534 has been out for many years now , and now more then ever more and more shops are doing their own reprogramming . They ask almost $11,000 for this tool and I can’t use it with the j2534 without worry . Nothing like taking your money and handing you a very basic tablet scanner / scope . All they had to do is put Windows 7 pro and a slightly better hard drive in it . Nice one SNAP ON TOOLS way to make a profit.

    • What’s happening when you try and use your VERUS with the j2534 tool? Is it crashing? There is no need for a more resource intensive version of Windows 7 on the tablet. You use the unit for the Snap-on software that comes with it and not so much for using it like a consumer tablet such as a Microsoft Surface 4. Mine has already half paid for itself since purchasing it 2 months ago so I’m pleased.

      • I don’t use it for anything other then shop use . I use it for idenifix , alldata , IATN . I won’t use it for any other internet use . Windows 7 professional CPU 2.5 GHz, 32/64 bit – 4GB Ram and 300-500GB HDD. is highly recommended from any j2534 box . Drew technology’s makes the j2534 pass thru 3 for snap on tools . I spoke to a snap on tech line rep and he told me that the verus edge is not recommend for reprogramming . I think it’s crazy that they wouldnt just beef up the operating system a little bit and swap the HDD for a SSD . if they did the few little things I speak of above , it would have that WOW factor . Don’t get me wrong it’s a great all in one scanner/scope BUT I think they went a little to cheap on the hardware . The VERUS EDGE is supposed to be for a top automotive tech that will use the tool to its fullest potential and meet the needs of a top tech that wants to perform a flash / reprogram , 4ch scope and so on . Like I was saying , for almost a $11,000 MSRP price tag it should be able to meet the standards of a j2435 tool that’s been out for years . Like its been said many times , many shops and techs buy the VERUS line of scanners because it’s the top Snapon scanner and you can surf the web check email on it , but only uses 65% of what it can do . I believe Snapon is aware of this . The VERUS PRO had a lot of problems trying to perform a flash and snap on was very aware of it and still did nothing about it . Owners of the VERUS PRO are taking it apart and replacing the parts that are needed to do a flash after the Snapon warranty runs out .

        • Well I haven’t bought a J2534 tool yet so I don’t know what to tell you. However, I will eventually get one. I think with the VERUS Edge you are more or less paying for the Snap-on diagnostic software and access to the SureTrack database. I realized the hardware was a little underrated before I bought it but after having used the demo unit provided by the Snap-on rep, I found the performance sufficient for what the tool actually does. Sure, you could go out and buy a top of the line Microsoft Surface 4 Pro with an Intel i7 in it for $3200 then purchase and install AutoEnginuity but I don’t think it would provide you with the depth of information that Snap-on does not to mention the same amount of bi-directional support. Snap-on should be coming out with a new version of the diagnostic suite in April. Hopefully that will resolve your issue.

  2. You do not want to use your Verus Edge for flashing. If something goes wrong with flashing software poof no more working scanner, don’t do it. If you are already flashing you know what I’m talking about. I use a Toughbook CF19 64 bit for that with the pass through pro 3 and it works great. Not too much to go wrong with all the updates and site requirements from OEM providers. The edge is a great tool and with a software subscription it stays current.

  3. my shop is on our third verus. we trade every two yers to stay in waranty just got my edge lst week and have to say that snapon is improving ha scanner with every newer verion. hands down the best overall scantool out there. im sure others exceed n certain things but ive found thre the years that verus is tha bang for tha buck in a one scantool situation. that being said! i think tha key to happines with verus is to focus on what it does well n move on with it. we stay with them for the scanner functions and coverage and fancy printouts that warrant our diag price with a nice graph printout sure seems to help john q understand y he pays 1.5 for a diag when hes lookin at a peice of paper autozone cant understand! as far as pass thru pro. been reflasjin for five years n its like taking candy from a baby in terms of aditionals to our drivability work. i mean hell y would u run ur car on outdated software when many updates make sevrall changes to eng and trans on top off being able to load new modules. windows seven pawnshop laptop $150 keeps my verus clean and in the event of a crash its much cheeper to replace. ima verus lovin mfkr! get over tha price n make it back with fatter checks. jus sayin

  4. My neighbor came to me today to help him with his Verus Edge. He bought the J2534 software, installed it, it was working while he was still at the shop, but then he did something and it no longer works. Both of us have now uninstalled the software and reinstalled it, plugged in the Pass thru Pro III. The Pass Thru Pro III was recognized, drivers loaded with no errors. But when you click on the icon for the J2534, it goes into wait mode for a couple seconds and then you get nothing.

    Any ideas that can help me figure out the issue would be appreciated.

  5. I have bought my fourth scanner from Snapon and it does pretty good for everyday normal use. By that I mean code reading, bi- directional testing and performing most needed services. But I have had many many issues with these last two scanners that I am fed up of complaining. Twice now since December 2016 it has blacked out and many times refused to reset after exiting out to ID new vehicle. Talked to my rep several times but yet nothing done and nobody can give me an answer. Looks like you have to be wealthy to own a few different scanners. Don’t know what to say. I have been in this trade 45 years to date and working mainly on import and euro cars, but now dropping euro cars and doing domestic and all Japanese and Korean vehicles. That’ s my two cents worth.


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