Persistence Is The Key To Success


I used to want everything to happen in a flash. For the short period of time that I worked on any of my multiple projects, I worked extremely hard however I never kept at it long enough to see the rewards (with exception of one business I had worked on for 7 years and it never became something I could hang my hat on – I’m convinced there is no market for it now).

When you don’t see any success after trying so many times to make it, it becomes hard to stay motivated – especially in the world of internet marketing.

After reading the stories of many other people who were able to turn a profit online and offline, it became apparent that the best advice they could give anyone was to be PERSISTENT! Find your area of expertise and stick with it! Even though you keep seeing $0 everyday when you log into your accounts shouldn’t mean that you should walk away from what you are doing. Sometimes it can take weeks, months or even years.

Since I’ve started applying this advice to myself, I have seen a change in my success rate. Yes, I have indeed started to make money online.

I would like to start throwing some case studies up on here so that my readers can follow along however I have not been able to prove that my methods are a solid winner – yet. That said, I may use this blog as a case study since it is one area of internet marketing that I am trying to make money at.

I found these two videos that I watch whenever I start to feel unmotivated. I hope they help you as well as they help me.


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